Ceník a technické parametry otevřených kvasných kádí a netlakových kvasných tanků
… zařízení pro tradiční odkryté hlavní kvašení piva v malých pivovarech.
I. Tradiční otevřené kvasné kádě ve tvaru hranaté vany – vhodné pro kvašení spodně kvašeného piva (ležáků) :
Otevřené kvasné kádě pro spilky (místnosti pro hlavní kvašení piva) vyrábíme v těchto rozměrových variantách :
Příklady a ceník typizovaných otevřených kvasných kádí :
OFV-100 : Opened fermentation vat 100 liters
Price: 4 077 €
Opened fermentation vat with usable volume 100 liters of beer wort. This is a traditional technology for production of typical
OFV-200 Opened fermentation vat 200 liters
Price: 4 245 €
Opened fermentation vat with usable volume 200 liters of beer wort. This is a traditional technology for production of typical
OFV-5000 Opened fermentation vat 5000 liters
Price: 12 890 €
Opened fermentation vat with usable volume 5000 liters of beer wort. This is a traditional technology for production of typical
OFV-400 Opened fermentation vat 400 liters
Price: 4 465 €
Opened fermentation vat with usable volume 400 liters of beer wort. This is a traditional technology for production of typical
OFV-8000 Opened fermentation vat 8000 liters
Price: 15 857 €
Opened fermentation vat with usable volume 8000 liters of beer wort. This is a traditional technology for production of typical
OFV-6000 Opened fermentation vat 6000 liters
Price: 14 374 €
Opened fermentation vat with usable volume 6000 liters of beer wort. This is a traditional technology for production of typical
OFV-4000 Opened fermentation vat 4000 liters
Price: 11 407 €
Opened fermentation vat with usable volume 4000 liters of beer wort. This is a traditional technology for production of typical
OFV-3000 Opened fermentation vat 3000 liters
Price: 9 535 €
Opened fermentation vat with usable volume 3000 liters of beer wort. This is a traditional technology for production of typical
OFV-2500 Opened fermentation vat 2500 liters
Price: 8 057 €
Opened fermentation vat with usable volume 2500 liters of beer wort. This is a traditional technology for production of typical
OFV-2000 Opened fermentation vat 2000 liters
Price: 7 466 €
Opened fermentation vat with usable volume 2000 liters of beer wort. This is a traditional technology for production of typical
… další varianty otevřených kvasných kádí …
II. Praktické netlakové uzavřené kvasné tanky – vhodné pro bezpečné kvašení spodně i svrchně kvašeného piva :
Příklady a ceník typizovaných uzavřených kvasných tanků :
FTC-70CW : Conical fermentation tank 70L with cooling coil and insulation jacket, stainless steel
Price: 529 €
Simplified pressureless cylindrically-conical tank. Stainless steel fermenter with capacity of 70 liters with a cooling spiral, insulation jacket and thermometer.
FTC-60CW : Conical fermentation tank 60L with cooling coil and insulation jacket, stainless steel
Price: 449 €
Simplified pressureless cylindrically-conical tank. Stainless steel fermenter with capacity of 60 liters with a cooling spiral, insulation jacket and thermometer.
FTC-30CW : Conical fermentation tank 30L with cooling coil, stainless steel
Price: 286 €
Simplified pressureless cylindrically-conical tank. Stainless steel fermenter with capacity of 30 liters with a cooling spiral and thermometer. The quality
BCFST-320 : Beverage cylindric fermentation and storage tank 320 liters (fully euipped fermenter)
Price: 607 €
A cylindric tank suitable for storage and fermentation of fruit juices, wine or other alcoholic beverages like beer, cider etc. The
BCFST-240 : Beverage cylindric fermentation and storage tank 240 liters (fully euipped fermenter)
Price: 515 €
A cylindric tank suitable for storage and fermentation of fruit juices, wine or other alcoholic beverages like beer, cider etc. The
BCFST-100 : Beverage cylindric fermentation and storage tank 100 liters (fully euipped fermenter)
Price: 371 €
A cylindric tank suitable for storage and fermentation of fruit juices, wine or other alcoholic beverages like beer, cider etc. The
BCFST-320BT : Beverage cylindric fermentation and storage tank 320 liters (basic tank without accessories)
Price: 556 €
A cylindric tank suitable for storage and fermentation of fruit juices, wine or other alcoholic beverages like beer, cider etc. The
BCFST-240BT : Beverage cylindric fermentation and storage tank 240 liters (basic tank without accessories)
Price: 462 €
A cylindric tank suitable for storage and fermentation of fruit juices, wine or other alcoholic beverages like beer, cider etc. The
BCFST-100BT : Beverage cylindric fermentation and storage tank 100 liters (basic tank without accessories)
Price: 357 €
A cylindric tank suitable for storage and fermentation of fruit juices, wine or other alcoholic beverages like beer, cider etc. The
CFT-SNP-500P Cylindrical fermentation tank 500/625 liters, non-pressure
Price: 3 370 €
CFT-SNP-500P is a non-pressure Cylindrical fermentation tank with professional design. Usable volume 500 liters and total volume 625 liters for
… další varianty uzavřených kvasných tanků …